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Annual Report 2021 The Australian Academy of Science 2021 Annual Report covers 1 January to 31 December 2021. The Academy’s responses to COVID-19 and climate change are among the many achievements highlighted in the report. Major achievements included collaborating with government departments to communicate pandemic-related information; calling for an RNA manufacturing capability in Australia and convening a national RNA roundtable of experts; calling attention to the risks to Australia of a warmer world; and the publication of a hub of climate change resources. Read the 2021 Annual Report (PDF 8.7MB) Read the media release 2021 highlights COVID-19 This year, on the topic of COVID-19 the Academy: developed and distributed a new version of our popular booklet, ‘The science of immunisation’ created 8 videos, 6 articles and two infographics explaining the science of COVID-19, sharing them widely with Australians and internationally delivered 5 webinars to encourage international collaboration during COVID-19. We thank the Australian Government Department of Health and the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources for supporting these activities. See our COVID-19 Resources Hub Climate change On climate change science, the Academy: released a landmark climate change report on the risks to Australia of a 3°C warmer world created a digital hub featuring all its articles, reports and videos on climate change science and solutions published 6 media releases, including 3 statements on COP26 and climate change released a national 10-year strategy for sustainable oceans and coasts. See our Climate Change Hub Advancement and celebration of science To advance and celebrate science in Australia and internationally, we: published a report identifying opportunities to advance data-intensive research in Australia supported the call for Kathleen Folbigg’s pardon and release from prison based on recent strong scientific evidence launched a Champions of the Decadal Plan program to support the implementation of the 2019 Nourishing Australia: A decadal plan for the science of nutrition by the National Committee for Nutrition hosted a national RNA roundtable that supported Australia becoming a leader in RNA science and technology called on the NSW Government to remove all feral horses from Kosciuszko National Park provided advice and submissions to government inquiries and consultations, including appearing at parliamentary hearings re-roofed and improved the sustainability of our heritage-listed building, the Shine Dome, following severe hail damage in 2020. Support for scientists and diversity in science We supported scientists and encouraged diversity in science by: recognising 24 leading scientists with honorific awards, and announcing support for more than 40 scientists with grants, fellowships and conference funding welcoming 22 new Fellows for 2021, the cohort made up of 41% women and 59% men publishing a report about gender inequity in the STEM workforce across the Asia-Pacific launching the STEM Women Asia database to raise the profile of women in STEM hosting the finale of Falling Walls Lab Australia for early career researchers participating in NAIDOC Week, and shining light on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scientists joining with Australia’s other learned academies to respond to the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Science for a broad audience We brought science to a broad audience by: recording more than 18 million impressions on social media welcoming more than 4.4 million visitors to our websites publishing over 70 videos, many of which were embedded in online mainstream media stories 615 times, and articles that were mentioned or quoted 122 times (across all media syndications) delivering 37 online and hybrid events for audiences across Australia and around the world, including the Academy’s annual flagship event ‘Science at the Shine Dome’ holding ‘scienceXart’, a photo competition about food and nutrition for school students across Australia.
发布时间:2021-12-31 Australian Academy of ScienceThis website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. You can make your choices here and update them at any time by visiting our privacy and cookies page.
发布时间:2021-12-31 Committee on Climate ChangeBy Bob Dinneen RFA Senior Strategic Advisor It’s that time of year again, when with tongue firmly in cheek, I take a sardonic look at the year past with a hopeful eye on the year ahead. And after another turbulent year, with COVID’s persistence and seemingly intractable political dysfunction, I am pretty sure we are all looking forward to turning the calendar to a new year. Let’s do it with humor too. So, here’s my list of what is on its way out and what’s on its way in for 2022.
发布时间:2021-12-30 Renewable Fuels Association近日,原子能院完成多功能高通量辐照研究堆的方案论证与研究,从堆化一体角度提出了我国高通量堆解决方案。高通量研究堆中子注量率接近或大于5×1015n/(cm2•s),是开展燃料与材料考验、工业及医用同位素生产、核基础探索研究的顶级设施,堪称研究堆中的“特种部队”。其研究方案的完成,为优化我国先进核能系统科研设施布局,引领重大决策长远规划,实现我国核技术跨越式发展提供支撑。 原子能院针对中子注量率水平、固有安全性、辐照能力、技术成熟度、技术经济性等多个指标,组织开展了方案比选与技术路线评估,通过多次论证,确认我国高通量堆采用成熟的钠冷快堆技术,堆芯功率规模在150~200MW(兆瓦)之间,实现高通量的同时兼顾了燃料经济性。通过采用三回路设计,提高了自然循环下余热排出的安全性与设备可靠性;选用三条并联环路组成回路,增强了反应堆的可用性与可维修性;采用安全高效的闭式换料方式;同时具有多条水平和垂直试验孔道,以提供强大的辐照平台。
发布时间:2021-12-30 bjx近日,原子能院完成多功能高通量辐照研究堆的方案论证与研究,从堆化一体角度提出了我国高通量堆解决方案。高通量研究堆中子注量率接近或大于5×1015n/(cm2•s),是开展燃料与材料考验、工业及医用同位素生产、核基础探索研究的顶级设施,堪称研究堆中的“特种部队”。其研究方案的完成,为优化我国先进核能系统科研设施布局,引领重大决策长远规划,实现我国核技术跨越式发展提供支撑。 原子能院针对中子注量率水平、固有安全性、辐照能力、技术成熟度、技术经济性等多个指标,组织开展了方案比选与技术路线评估,通过多次论证,确认我国高通量堆采用成熟的钠冷快堆技术,堆芯功率规模在150~200MW(兆瓦)之间,实现高通量的同时兼顾了燃料经济性。通过采用三回路设计,提高了自然循环下余热排出的安全性与设备可靠性;选用三条并联环路组成回路,增强了反应堆的可用性与可维修性;采用安全高效的闭式换料方式;同时具有多条水平和垂直试验孔道,以提供强大的辐照平台。
发布时间:2021-12-30 bjxBurkina Faso is highly vulnerable to the increasing impacts of climate change and currently has large adaptation deficits. Systematic policy document analysis, semi-structured interviews and participant observations were undertaken to explore how scientific information makes its way into national adaptation policy documents from its production to its inclusion into policies. The results suggest that overall, national adaptation policies are only to a limited extent informed by scientific information, due to insufficient availability of information, limited human and technical capacity and lack of finance.
发布时间:2021-12-29 Climate AnalyticsDNV’s annual Energy Transition Outlook presents the results from our independent model of the world’s energy system. It covers the period through to 2050 and forecasts the energy mix, supply and demand globally and in 10 world regions.
发布时间:2021-12-28 Eco-Business ResearchE-commerce in Singapore is booming, with over 200,000 e-commerce parcels delivered daily in the country. Further accelerated by Covid-19, the sector is projected to grow by nearly 50 per cent by 2025. But packaging required for e-commerce delivery is not environmentally friendly and the waste it creates is likely to increase in the next few years. This project aims to study the feasibility of implementing reusable business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce packaging in Singapore, with the vision to lower the environmental footprint of this sector. Key findings: Reusable packaging is a promising concept that can reduce waste generated by the e-commerce sector in Singapore. For it to be sustainable, two critical drivers of sustainability need to be addressed: Return rate of packaging must be greater than 75 per cent. Package design must balance between functionality and sustainability. Critical considerations for implementing reusable e-commerce packaging are: Frictionless customer journey: Designing a customer journey that maximises opt in and return rates. Positive value proposition: Creating a compelling value proposition for retailers to invest in reusable packaging capability. Seamless operational process: Creating processes that leverage opportunities in Singapore (e.g. existing logistics networks). Thoughtfully designed packaging: Packaging that balances durability, cost and carbon footprint. An iterative approach to implementing reusable packaging should be considered. Fashion retailers can be a testbed for this concept by experimenting with various drivers such as customer discounts and packaging styles to determine what works best. Additionally, retailers can come together to establish industry-wide standards, which can be used by packaging service providers to serve multiple retailers and leverage economies of scale. Finally, multi-stakeholder collaboration is essential, including the support of the government and the participation of retailers and logistics providers. Get in touch: If you are a retailer interested in embarking on this journey please contact us at
发布时间:2021-12-28 Eco-Business ResearchCiencia para abordar cinco retos mundiales Aunque aún marcada por la siempre cambiante situación del COVID-19, el 2021 fue en muchos sentidos un año diferente. Aprendimos a adaptarnos a los cambios mientras estos sucedían y en el mundo hubo una comprensión más generalizada de que los sistemas alimentarios, agrícolas y forestales también debían cambiar para ayudarnos a ser resilientes. Además, la agenda climática se reactivó con el lanzamiento del Decenio de la Restauración y la celebración de la COP26. En este contexto, la evidencia generada por CIFOR-ICRAF continuó aportando para soluciones prácticas a cinco retos mundiales fundamentales: la deforestación y pérdida de biodiversidad, el cambio climático, los sistemas alimentarios fracturados, las cadenas de suministro y de valor insostenibles y la inequidad extrema. En este recuento del año que pasó, destacamos un poco de este trabajo.
发布时间:2021-12-28 Center for International Forestry ResearchThe Renewable Fuels Association closes out its yearlong 40th anniversary celebration this week with a fitting milestone, welcoming more than 20 new members in 2021. “For four decades strong, RFA’s member companies have worked together to move the renewable fuels industry forward,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “Whether innovating new technologies, shaping policies and regulations, or opening new markets, RFA’s members remain at the forefront of the low-carbon bioeconomy. This record of achievement was underscored in 2021, as RFA saw a record number of new member companies join the association. We welcome them to the team and look forward to working together to chart the industry’s course for the next 40 years and beyond.” New producer members include Calgren Renewable Fuels, Gevo, Heron Lake BioEnergy, LanzaJet, Lincolnway Energy and Mid America Bio Energy. New associate members include Antea Group, Booster, Chase Nedrow, Clariant, Corn Marketing Program of Michigan, Cozairo, Data Gumbo, EcoEngineers, Farmers Business Network/Gradable, Honeywell, Navigator CO2 Ventures, Next Wave Energy Partners, Sorghum Checkoff, StepOne Tech America, and Terracon. RFA’s 40th anniversary activities included a series of profiles telling the stories of several industry pioneers who were involved in the beginnings of the industry, such as Ron Miller, Bruce Heine, Bob Reynolds, Bob Dinneen, Randy Doyal, and Kelly Davis. At its annual membership meeting in late September, RFA also released a poster timeline of the industry highlights, showing how the association has been the driving force behind all the major developments that helped grow the U.S. ethanol industry. Earlier in the year, in conjunction with the 2021 National Ethanol Conference, RFA released a video also showing how the industry has grown.
发布时间:2021-12-28 Renewable Fuels Association