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Permalink to BASF bringt erstes superabsorbierendes Polymer mit einem CO2-Fußabdruck von Null auf den Markt [科技资讯]

© BASF Erstes polyacrylat-basiertes superabsorbierendes Polymer mit einem CO2-Fußabdruck von Null für die Hygieneindustrie Kombiniert den Einsatz von erneuerbaren Energien und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen nach dem Biomassenbilanz-Ansatz Unterstützt die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Kunden Mit der Markteinführung von HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF geht BASF den nächsten Schritt zur Erweiterung ihres nachhaltigen Portfolios. HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF ist das erste polyacrylat-basierte superabsorbierende Polymer (SAP) für die Hygieneindustrie, das mit einem CO2-Fußabdruck (“Product Carbon Footprint”, PCF1) von Null vermarktet wird. Dieser wird durch den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien zusätzlich zum etablierten Biomassenbilanz-Ansatz (BMB) im Produktionsprozess am Verbundstandort Antwerpen erreicht. HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF ist ISCC PLUS-zertifiziert. “Laut unseren Kunden ist der kurzfristige Nachhaltigkeitstreiber in der Hygienebranche ein reduzierter CO2-Fußabdruck. Mit HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF bieten wir eine Lösung, die unseren Kunden in der Hygieneindustrie in Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Afrika hilft, ihre eigenen Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen, indem sie ihren Scope-3-Fußabdruck2reduzieren können. HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF ist eine Drop-in-Lösung, die keine Anpassung einer Windelproduktionslinie erfordert und bei der unsere Kunden keine Kompromisse bei Produktqualität und -leistung eingehen müssen, genau wie bereits bei unserem etablierten HySorb® B 6610 BMB,” sagt Maraike Ahlf, Leiterin Global Marketing & Strategy SAP bei BASF. Damit bietet BASF ab sofort HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF sowie HySorb® B 6610 BMB an, um ihre Kunden bei der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation zu unterstützen. Weitere Informationen zu HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF finden Sie auf unserer Website. 1) Die Berechnung des Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) für konventionelle Produkte folgt den Anforderungen und Leitlinien gemäß ISO 14067:2018. TÜV Rheinland hat in einer Methodenprüfung festgestellt, dass die PCF (SCOTT)-Methodik, die von der BASF SE entwickelt und verwendet wird, wissenschaftlich fundiert ist, im Einklang mit der ISO-Norm 14067:2018 und der Together for Sustainability PCF-Richtlinie steht und den Stand der Technik widerspiegelt (ID-Nr. 0000080389: BASF SE – Certipedia). 2) Scope 3 – Anwendbarkeit hängt von den individuellen Zielsetzungen der Kunden ab und liegt in der Verantwortung der Kunden. Source BASF, Pressemitteilung, 2025-02-06. Supplier BASF Corporation (US) BASF SE International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) TÜV Rheinland Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-21 renewable carbon news
Permalink to BASF introduces first superabsorbent polymer with product carbon footprint of zero [科技资讯]

© BASF First polyacrylate based superabsorbent polymer (SAP) marketed with a product carbon footprint (PCF) of zero for the hygiene industry Combination of using renewable energy and renewable raw materials in a biomass balance approach Supports customers’ sustainability targets BASF is taking the next step in expanding its sustainable portfolio by offering HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF, the first polyacrylate-based superabsorbent polymer (SAP) marketed with a product carbon footprint1 (PCF) of zero for the hygiene industry. The zero PCF is achieved by utilizing renewable energy in addition to the established biomass balance approach (BMB) in the production process at the Antwerp Verbund site. HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF is ISCC PLUS-certified. “According to our customers, the short-term sustainability driver in the hygiene industry is a reduced carbon footprint. With HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF, we offer a solution that will help our customers in the hygiene industry in Europe, Middle East and Africa to achieve their own sustainability targets by enabling them to reduce their scope 3 footprint.2 HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF is a drop-in solution, requiring no adaptation of a diaper production line and no compromise on product quality and performance, just like our existing HySorb® B 6610 BMB,” says Maraike Ahlf, Head of Global Marketing & Strategy SAP at BASF. Herewith, BASF now offers HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF as well as HySorb® B 6610 BMB to support its customers’ sustainability transformation. For more information on HySorb® B 6610 ZeroPCF, please visit our website. 1) The calculation of the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) for conventional products follows the requirements and guidelines according to ISO 14067:2018. TÜV Rheinland has determined in a method review that the PCF (SCOTT) methodology developed and used by BASF SE is scientifically sound, in line with ISO 14067:2018 and the Together for Sustainability PCF guideline and reflects the state of the art (ID no. 0000080389: BASF SE – Certipedia). 2) Scope 3 – applicability depends on the customer’s individual target commitment and lies in the customer’s responsibility Source BASF, press release, 2025-02-06. Supplier BASF Corporation (US) BASF SE International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) TÜV Rheinland Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-21 renewable carbon news
Permalink to HyLion network: e-methanol for CO2-reduced supply chains [科技资讯]

e-Methanol from Scotland will soon be available for delivery to Germany. © Adobe Stock In Scotland, partners in the HyLion network plan to produce CO2-reduced hydrogen from renewable energies in the near future and then convert it into e-methanol Planned use in shipping, aviation, and motorsport for applications in the UK and Europe MHP is providing strategic and operational advice on this project and supporting the network with digital solutions along the entire supply chain, among other things The HyLion network consists of strong partners such as ARUP, McPhy Energy S.A.S, Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH, E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions, CO2 Recovery Ltd & The Carbon Removers, Mareneco Ltd, Cadeler A/S, and P1 Fuels The aim of e-methanol production is to contribute to the decarbonization of supply chains The overarching aim of the HyLion network is to establish a transnational, European end-to-end supply chain for CO2-reduced hydrogen and e-methanol. The plan is to produce e-methanol in Scotland and supply it for various applications in the UK and Europe – including Germany. The management and IT consultancy MHP provides strategic and operational advice on the development and digitalization of an efficient supply chain. The aim is to make a steadily growing contribution to the decarbonization of European supply chains. Markus Wambach, Group COO at MHP: “As a network of many strong partners, HyLion has the potential to produce e-methanol in Europe for Europe and thus make an important contribution to the decarbonization of global supply chains. With AI applications, supply chains can also be made more efficient across the board. And with a transnational supply chain for CO2-reduced hydrogen and e-methanol, the basis can be created for greenhouse gas-reduced solutions in shipping and aviation – and even for motorsport.” Over 9,000 metric tons of hydrogen and around 45,000 metric tons of e-methanol per year planned as first pilot In an initial pilot, the plan is to use 63,000 metric tons of biogenic CO2 per year for the production of e-methanol. This CO2 is to come from biomass on the one hand and from the whisky industry on the other. This results in 9,000 metric tons of hydrogen and 45,000 metric tons of e-methanol per year for the pilot project. In addition to the initially planned production volume of 25 metric tons of hydrogen and the resulting 125 metric tons of e-methanol per day, there is already enormous potential for scaling up in subsequent years from today’s perspective: Electrolyzer capacities can be significantly and almost modularly expanded; also, from today’s perspective, around 380,000 metric tons of CO2 from biomass as well as 300,000 metric tons of CO2 from the whisky industry are available for the HyLion network. The plant is expected to start production at the beginning of 2028. “CO2-reduced hydrogen plays an essential role in achieving the climate targets. The stricter CO2 reduction targets and the increasing political decisions to replace fossil fuels will significantly increase the demand for e-methanol in the future. The abundant wind resources in Northern Europe, especially in Scotland, provide an ideal basis for scalable production of CO2-reduced hydrogen and derivatives,” explains Dr. Sylvia Trage, Partner at MHP and responsible for Supply Chain Excellence. Planned procedure: network of renowned companies It is planned that E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions will provide the biogenic CO2 for the production of e-methanol from the biomass power plant in Lockerbie. The other part will come from the whisky production process. Here, the Carbon Removers and CO2 Recovery Ltd will extract, liquefy and store the CO2. Both will then be processed in an e-methanol synthesis plant delivered by a European company. The hydrogen required for e-methanol synthesis will be produced using an electrolyzer (80 MW) from the French company McPhy Energy S.A.S.. Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH will be responsible for water treatment and, if necessary, desalination. The hydrogen produced will then be fed into a synthesis process together with the biogenic CO2 in order to produce e-methanol. P1 Fuels’ technology will convert e-methanol into an e-fuel that fits seamlessly into the existing fuel infrastructure and offers a decarbonization solution for the automotive industry, international and national racing series, and light aircraft, for example. Another customer for the e-methanol will be the shipping company Cadeler A/S. The location in the south of Scotland, which is operated by E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions, offers numerous advantages, such as a developed infrastructure, a connection to the electricity grid and local energy supply. Mareneco Ltd will supply, handle, and transport the e-methanol to the marine industry, for example to the ports of Cairnryan and Grangemouth. MHP has leading consulting role MHP supports with consulting expertise in the area of strategic business field development and comprehensive network coordination in the various project phases as well as in the digitalization of the entire supply chain. Once it is in place, the experience gained can be transferred to comparable projects. Suitable use cases, for example in transportation and logistics applications, will also be launched. Global engineering and sustainable development consultancy ARUP is responsible for pre-project planning (front end engineering design (FEED)), in close coordination with MHP and the alliance partners. HyLion with the ‘Green Investment Portfolio’ status of Scottish Development International is already well advanced: Key technology partners along the supply chain and initial customers have committed to supporting the network. Only projects that fit Scotland’s hydrogen strategy, have sufficient scalability and business cases and bring benefits to Scotland will receive this status from the Scottish Government. Source MHP, press release, 2025-02-03. Supplier ARUP Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH Cadeler A/S CO2 Recovery Ltd E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions Mareneco Ltd McPhy Energy MHP - A Porsche Company P1 Fuels Scottish Development International The Carbon Removers Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-21 renewable carbon news
Permalink to Biologisch abbaubare Roboterteile aus Schweinegelatine und Baumwollfaser [科技资讯]

Ein Ingenieursteam der Westlake University, der Zhejiang Normal University und der Shaoxing University haben anhand eines Roboterarms getestet, aus welchen… Full text: https://www.heise.de/news/Biologisch-abbaubare-Roboterteile-aus-Schweinegelantine-und-Baumwollfaser-10278439.html Author Oliver Bünte Source Heise online, 2025-02-11. Supplier Shaoxing University Westlake University Zhejiang Normal University Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-21 renewable carbon news
Permalink to Inside information: Neste starts a performance improvement program and updates its financial targets and capital allocation, including dividend for the year 2024 [科技资讯]

As a result of the company’s significantly changed market environment and weakened financial performance as well as a comprehensive full potential analysis started in October 2024, Neste has decided to start a performance improvement program. The goal is to secure our strong market position and cost competitiveness in renewable fuels and to enhance Neste’s financial performance. The program targets a total of EUR 350 million EBITDA run rate improvement by the end of 2026, of which EUR 250 million from operational costs. The Rotterdam growth investment project continues, but schedule and costs have been re-evaluated. Due to the challenging contractor market, the scheduled start of commercial operations has been delayed from 2026 to 2027. Furthermore, the estimation for investment cost has been increased from EUR 1.9 billion to EUR 2.5 billion. Several actions have been taken to ensure that the project proceeds on the updated schedule and budget. Renewed focus and strict capital discipline In 2025-2026, Neste plans to refocus from growth and development to efficiency and profitability, including capital discipline. The company’s performance improvement program focuses on commercial acceleration and supply chain optimization, improved refinery performance and safety, external cost reduction, and operating model simplification. Neste continues to strengthen its competitive advantage by developing its current raw material base, novel vegetable oils sourcing and lignocellulosic raw materials research. The company plans to scale down investments in the development of algae and Power-to-X. In Renewable Products, Neste is planning to streamline its renewable and circular polymers and chemicals activities, focusing on renewable fuels. The company also considers simplifying its commercial models and streamlining its sales channels for renewables to accelerate sales growth. The focus of the Porvoo refinery transformation is planned to be on energy efficiency and renewable hydrogen while other components of the plan are considered to be delayed. Neste maintains strict capital discipline throughout the company and in the coming few years, our capital expenditure beyond the Rotterdam investment is expected to be on an annual level of approximately EUR 0.5 billion with focus on safety and reliability investments. Change negotiations to be started To improve profitability and cost-competitiveness, Neste plans to further simplify its operating model and increase internal efficiency. As a result, the company starts change negotiations that cover globally Oil Products and Renewable Products business areas and all functions, targeting total annual cost savings of approximately EUR 65 million. The planned organizational changes are expected to lead to a permanent reduction of approximately 600 positions, of which approximately 450 in Finland. “Our current financial performance is weak and not sustainable. Therefore, we must take urgent action to reset various parts of our company. Adjustments to our cost structure and development portfolio are necessary to meet the current and foreseeable market realities. Before preparing any plans and launching the performance improvement program, we have conducted a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the markets and our own operations. While understandably hard for Neste people, the planned efficiency measures are necessary to ensure Neste’s long-term competitiveness and success. We will do our best to support our employees in this situation. Going forward, we plan to focus on our core operations and remain fully committed to serving our customers and maintaining our position as a global market leader in renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel,” says Neste’s President and CEO Heikki Malinen. Financial targets, dividend for the year 2024 and capital allocation Neste continues to seek growth in renewable fuels targeting market leadership, cost competitiveness and technology advantage. During the coming few years, the company will extract full commercial potential from its existing operations and the Rotterdam expansion as well as improve refinery performance through better safety, reliability and project execution. In 2025-2026, the company will focus on defined priorities and reset its cost structure, while in 2027-2028 it will prepare next steps of growth, focusing on selected development initiatives. Maintaining a strong balance sheet will be crucial in both of these phases. In line with changes in the company’s operating environment and financial performance, Neste updates its financial targets for 2025-2026. Firstly, we are targeting EUR 350 million EBITDA run rate improvement by the end of 2026 from our performance improvement program, of which EUR 250 million from operational costs. Secondly, we are committed to maintaining our investment grade credit rating and our leverage below 40%. The company targets a total capital expenditure of maximum EUR 2.4 billion in 2025-2026. In light of the current financial position of the company, the Board has decided to cancel the dividend policy announced on 19 June 2023, and proposes a dividend payout of 0.20 euros per share for the year 2024 to the Annual General Meeting. Going forward, the company seeks to maximize operating cash flow in order to strengthen the balance sheet with the potential to review the dividend in the future. About Neste Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) uses science and innovative technology to transform waste and other resources into renewable fuels and circular raw materials. The company creates solutions for mitigating climate change and accelerating a shift to a circular economy. Being the world’s leading producer of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel and a forerunner in developing renewable and circular feedstock solutions for polymers and chemicals, the company aims to help its customers to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 million tons annually by 2030. The company’s ambition is to make the Porvoo oil refinery in Finland the most sustainable refinery in Europe. Neste is committed to reaching carbon-neutral production by 2035, and will reduce the carbon emission intensity of sold products by 50% by 2040. Neste has also set high standards for biodiversity, human rights and the supply chain. The company has consistently been included in the CDP and the DJSI lists of the world’s most sustainable companies. In 2023, Neste’s revenue stood at EUR 22.9 billion. Source Neste, Stock Exchange Release, 2025-02-13. Supplier Neste Corporation Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-21 renewable carbon news
Permalink to Avantium and Amcor Rigid Packaging Partner to Advance More Sustainable Packaging with Plant-Based Polymer Releaf® [科技资讯]

Avantium N.V., a leading company in renewable and circular polymer materials, has signed a joint development agreement with Amcor Rigid Packaging USA, LLC a leader in responsible packaging solutions. This partnership aims to explore the use of Avantium’s plant-based polymer PEF – branded as releaf® – in rigid containers for various products, including food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home, and personal care. Additionally, Amcor has committed to a multi-year capacity reservation for PEF from a future industrial-scale facility, based on a technology license from Avantium. This agreement guarantees Amcor preferred access to PEF volumes produced by Avantium’s future licensee network. Avantium has developed a proprietary process technology to produce FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid), the key building block for PEF (polyethylene furanoate), and is currently in the process of starting up the world’s first commercial FDCA plant in Delfzijl, the Netherlands. This FDCA Flagship Plant will be pivotal for Avantium’s licensing strategy, allowing the Company to sell FDCA and PEF directly to customers while also offering technology licenses to industrial partners. Ensuring sufficient commercial demand is crucial for future licensing partners. The capacity reservation agreement with Amcor demonstrates Avantium’s ability to meet this demand effectively. Releaf® is a 100% plant-based, high-performance polymer that can be recycled in existing PET (polyethylene terephthalate) recycling streams. It is included in the Critical Guidance Protocol from the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), one of the most universally accepted measures for assessing recyclability in plastic packaging design. Releaf® furthermore stands out due to its superior barrier properties, which extend the shelf life of food and beverages, its higher mechanical strength that reduces material usage, and its lower processing temperature that cuts energy consumption compared to traditional fossil-based plastics. Additionally, with its lower carbon footprint, releaf® will support Amcor’s net-zero ambitions by 2050. “This partnership between Amcor and Avantium represents a significant step forward in advancing responsible packaging solutions. It combines Amcor’s expertise in innovative packaging with Avantium’s renewable and circular polymer releaf®. This partnership enhances our efforts to offer customers innovative, packaging that is better for products, people and the planet ” said Terry Patcheak, Amcor’s vice president of research & development and program management excellence. Bineke Posthumus, Commercial Director of Avantium Renewable Polymers added: “This collaboration with Amcor underscores the increasing demand for releaf® in sustainable packaging solutions and supports our strategy for licensing our FDCA technology. We are excited to work with Amcor to bring releaf® to the market, providing consumers with high-performance, eco-friendly packaging solutions.” About Amcor plc (parent company of Amcor Rigid Packaging) Amcor plc is a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions across a variety of materials for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home and personal-care, and other products. Amcor plc works with leading companies around the world to protect products, differentiate brands, and improve supply chains. The company offers a range of innovative, differentiating flexible and rigid packaging, specialty cartons, closures and services. The company is focused on making packaging that is increasingly recyclable, reusable, lighter weight and made using an increasing amount of recycled content. In fiscal year 2024, 41,000 Amcor plc people generated $13.6 billion in annual sales from operations that span 212 locations in 40 countries. About Avantium Avantium is a pioneering commercial-stage company focused on renewable & circular polymer materials. Avantium develops and commercialises innovative technologies for the production of materials based on sustainable carbon feedstocks, i.e. carbon from biomass or carbon from the air (CO2). The most advanced technology is the YXY®Technology that catalytically converts plant-based sugars into FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid), the key building block for the sustainable plastic PEF (polyethylene furanoate). PEF is known under the brand name Releaf®, an EU registered trademark of Avantium. Avantium has successfully demonstrated the YXY® Technology at its pilot plant in Geleen, the Netherlands, and is in the process of starting the world’s first commercial plant for FDCA in Delfzijl, the Netherlands. Avantium works in partnership with like-minded companies around the globe to create revolutionary renewable chemistry solutions from invention to commercial scale. Avantium’s shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam and Euronext Brussels (symbol: AVTX). Avantium is incorporated in the Euronext Amsterdam SmallCap Index (AScX). Its offices and headquarters are in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Source Avantium, press release, 2025-02-11. Supplier Amcor Ltd. Avantium Technologies B.V. The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-21 renewable carbon news
Permalink to Neue EU-Allianz für eine zirkuläre Bioökonomie [科技资讯]

Mit dem European Green Deal hat sich die Europäische Union (EU) verpflichtet, bis 2030 den Ausstoß der Treibhausgase um 55%… Full text: https://biooekonomie.de/nachrichten/neues-aus-der-biooekonomie/neue-eu-allianz-fuer-eine-zirkulaere-biooekonomie Source Bioökonomie.de, 2025-02-18. Supplier BioEconomy Cluster Bioeconomy for Change CluBE Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia Cluster Industrielle Biotechnologie e.V. (CLIB2021) CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) Irish Bioeconomy Foundation SPRING - Italian Circular Bioeconomy Cluster Wagralim World BioEconomy Association Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-21 renewable carbon news
Permalink to The power of biobased solvents in paint, electronics, and more [科技资讯]

Solvents are small but mighty. These industrial chemicals are everywhere in industry, with total annual use estimated at 20 million… Full text: https://worldbiomarketinsights.com/the-power-of-biobased-solvents-in-paint-electronics-and-more/ Source World Bio Market Insights, 2025-02-12. Supplier GlaxoSmithKline (GSK Biologicals) Luleå University of Technology Pfizer Swedish Mining Innovation Umicore AG & Co. KG University of York (UK) VINNOVA Wageningen University World Bio Market Insights Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-20 renewable carbon news
Permalink to NeoCarbon and Carbonaide partner to enable captured carbon to be stored in concrete [科技资讯]

©NeoCarbon GmbH NeoCarbon, a leading developer of Direct AirCapture (DAC) technology, and Carbonaide, a pioneer in carbonisation technology for the production of precast concrete, announced a partnership to efficiently capture CO2 from the atmosphere and permanently store it in concrete. This will significantly reduce carbon emissions in the building and construction sector. The aim is to deliver high quality carbon removal credits, with the first delivery expected in 2025. NeoCarbon’s DAC technology goes hand in handwith Carbonaide’s carbon capture process to create a scalable carbon capture value chain. By capturing CO2 directly from the air, NeoCarbon provides a modular approach that enables faster access to CO2. Carbonaide’s permanentstorage solution complements this by providing efficient carbon capture andutilisation. Together, they enable concrete producers to reduce their carbonfootprint by mineralising CO2 in concrete. Commenting on the partnership, NeoCarbon CEO René Haas said: “Together with Carbonaide, our goal is to address the urgent need for effective carbon capture solutions in the concrete industry. Bycombining NeoCarbon’s DAC technology with Carbonaide’s carbonisation expertiseand technology, we aim to transform concrete production into a carbon sink.” “The cooperation with NeoCarbon allows usto move a significant step forward in transforming the fossil concreteproduction process to a more sustainable one. We are opening new possibilities for carbon capture and utilisation, paving the way for a more sustainable future for the construction industry,” said Tapio Vehmas, CEO of Carbonaide. In addition, the partnership between NeoCarbonand Carbonaide provides a valuable deployment opportunity, particularly in Germany, where concrete producers are looking for solutions to reduce theircarbon footprint. The collaboration demonstrates the power of partnerships to drive innovation and sustainability. Source NeoCarbon, press release, 2025-02-05. Supplier Carbonaide NeoCarbon Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-20 renewable carbon news
Permalink to Repsol will invest more than €800 million in the Tarragona Ecoplant, a pioneering project in Europe to produce renewable methanol [科技资讯]

Repsol has approved a historic investment in the Spanish region of Catalonia to build the first plant in Europe to transform urban waste into renewable methanol – a fuel that will help decarbonize transport – as well as circular products. This project represents a boost to economic growth and employment in the Tarragona area, with the creation of 340 jobs when the plant enters operation and 2,800 jobs during the construction phase. The facility, that will use gasification, the most advanced waste recovery technology, has received funding from the Innovation Fund of the European Union due to its high potential for reducing emissions and the innovative nature of the project. View of Enerkem’s commercial demonstration plant, featuring the advanced technology that will be at the heart of the Ecoplanta project © Enerkem Repsol’s Board of Directors today gave the green light to invest in the Ecoplant, a pioneering project in Europe to transform urban waste into renewable fuels and circular products, adding a solution for reducing CO2 emissions in the transport sector, while at the same time promoting the circular economy. Located in Tarragona, this facility – expected to receive an investment of over €800 million – will become the first plant in Europe to produce renewable and circular methanol from waste through gasification, the world’s most advanced waste valorization process. This cutting-edge technology, developed by Enerkem – a technology company in which Repsol is a partner – gives a second life to waste that would otherwise end up in landfills or be incinerated. The new plant will have the capacity to process up to 400,000 tons of municipal solid waste per year and turn them into 240,000 tons of renewable fuels and circular products. The renewable methanol originates from organic waste, while the circular products come from non-organic waste, such as non-recyclable plastics. The start-up of the plant, scheduled for 2029, will result in the creation of 340 direct, indirect, and induced jobs, as well as some 2,800 jobs during the construction phase. The Ecoplant will be integrated into Repsol’s industrial complex in Tarragona to take advantage of existing infrastructures and accelerate the transformation of the center into a multi-energy hub that will continue to manufacture essential products for society, such as renewable fuels and circular materials. This investment is a clear commitment by Repsol to maintain industrial employment in Spain and to continue generating wealth in the surrounding area. The Ecoplanta has been selected by the European Union, from among more than 300 projects, to receive funding from the Innovation Fund program, due to its high potential for reducing emissions and its innovative nature and for being unique in Europe. According to the European Commission, the Ecoplanta will reduce the equivalent of 3.4 million tons of CO2 in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during the first ten years of operation. A solution to decarbonize transport The European Union has designed a pathway to gradually reduce the carbon intensity of energy used in maritime transport by 40% by 2030, from 2018 levels, and by 75% by 2050, compared to 2020 levels. At present, the most efficient options for meeting these objectives are renewable diesel – which Repsol already manufactures at its Cartagena plant – and renewable methanol that will be manufactured at the Ecoplant. These technologies are complementary to meet the demand of maritime transport and are technologically mature for implementation, compared to other alternatives such as renewable hydrogen, ammonia, or the electrification of marine propulsion systems, which still require development and large investments in fleet renewal and fuel distribution. Renewable methanol will also be used for road transport, as a raw material to produce renewable gasoline and diesel, as well as for the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Additionally, methanol is very versatile in the chemical industry, with multiple uses in the automotive and construction industries and in applications in sectors as diverse as healthcare, food, and electronics. According to IRENA and the Methanol Institute, global methanol demand will grow to five times the current level by 2050, driven by the use of renewable methanol in shipping, road, and aviation, as well as in chemical applications. Given the high potential of this waste valorization model, Repsol is analyzing the feasibility of replicating it in other regions. Repsol has the ambition to lead the production of renewable fuels in the Iberian Peninsula. It aims to produce between 1.5 and 1.7 million tons annually in 2027 and up to 2.7 million tons per year in 2030 (including renewable hydrogen and biomethane). The company also aims to manufacture up to 105,000 tons of circular products per year in 2027 and 200,000 tons by 2030. Source Repsol, press release, 2025-01-29. Supplier Enerkem Inc. European Innovation Fund European Union International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Methanol Institute Repsol YPF S.A. Share Renewable Carbon News – Daily Newsletter Subscribe to our daily email newsletter – the world's leading newsletter on renewable materials and chemicals Subscribe

发布时间:2025-02-20 renewable carbon news
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