Use of GRADE in systematic reviews of health effects on pollutants and extreme temperatures: A cross-sectional survey
Song, X.
Ma, Y.
Tang, J.
Peng, J.
Hu, Y.
Han, Y.
Fu, X.
Luo, X.
Li, X.
Ge, L.
Yang, K.
Chen, Y.
Lanzhou Univ, Evidence Based Social Sci Res Ctr, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Social Med & Hlth Management, Lanzhou, Peoples R China
Objectives: (i) To analyze trends and gaps in evidence of health effects on pollutants and extreme temperatures by evidence mapping; (ii) to conduct a cross-sectional survey on the use of the Grades of Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation (GRADE) in systematic reviews or meta-analyses (SR/MAs) of health effects on pollutants and extreme temperatures. Study Design and Setting: PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) were searched until July 7, 2022. SR/MAs investigated health effects of pollutants and extreme temperatures were included.Results: Out of 22,658 studies, 312 SR/MAs were included in evidence mapping, and the effects of pollutants on cancer and congenital malformations were new research hotspots. Among 16 SR/MAs involving 108 outcomes that were rated using GRADE, the certainty of evidence was mostly downgraded for inconsistency (50, 42.7%), imprecision (33, 28.2%), and risk of bias (24, 20.5%). In contrast, concentration-response gradient (26, 65.0%) was the main upgrade factor.Conclusion: GRADE is not widely used in SR/MAs of health effects on pollutants and extreme temperatures. The certainty of evidence is generally low, mainly because of the serious inconsistency or imprecision. Use of the GRADE in SR/MAs of health effects on pollutants and extreme temperatures should strengthen.& COPY; 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (lzujbky-2022-57);Science and Technology Program of Gansu Province (20JR5RA262) .
Health Care Sciences & Services
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health
Author Keywords:GRADE
Cross-sectional study
Certainty of evidence
Air pollution
Extreme temperature
Greenhouse gases Keywords Plus:EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE