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Curvilinear lineament extraction: Bayesian optimization of Principal Component Wavelet Analysis and Hysteresis Thresholding
Understanding deformation networks, visible as curvilinear lineaments in images, is crucial for geoscientific explorations. However, traditional manual extraction of lineaments is expertise-dependent, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. This study introduces an automated method to extract and identify geological faults from aeromagnetic images, integrating Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization (BHO), Principal Component Wavelet Analysis (PCWA), and Hysteresis Thresholding Algorithm (HTA). The continuous wavelet transform (CWT), employed across various scales and orientations, enhances feature extraction quality, while Principal Component Analysis (PCA) within the CWT eliminates redundant information, focusing on relevant features. Using a Gaussian Process surrogate model, BHO autonomously fine-tunes hyperparameters for optimal curvilinear pattern recognition, resulting in a highly accurate and computationally efficient solution for curvilinear lineament mapping. Empirical validation using aeromagnetic images from a prominent fault zone in the James Bay region of Quebec, Canada, demonstrates significant accuracy improvements, with 23% improvement in F beta Score over the unoptimized PCWA-HTA and a marked 300% improvement over traditional HTA methods, underscoring the added value of fusing BHO with PCWA in the curvilinear lineament extraction process. The iterative nature of BHO progressively refines hyperparameters, enhancing geological feature detection. Early BHO iterations broadly explore the hyperparameter space, identifying low-frequency curvilinear features representing deep lineaments. As BHO advances, hyperparameter fine-tuning increases sensitivity to high-frequency features indicative of shallow lineaments. This progressive refinement ensures that later iterations better detect detailed structures, demonstrating BHO's robustness in distinguishing various curvilinear features and improving the accuracy of curvilinear lineament extraction. For future work, we aim to expand the method's applicability by incorporating multiple geophysical image types, enhancing adaptability across diverse geological contexts.
点击上方蓝字 关注 兰大循证 冬至阳生,岁回律转。2025年1月18日下午,宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫和自闭症临床研究汇报会在兰州饭店五楼会议室隆重举行。该研究是2024年度省级重点人才项目《宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫的真实世界研究及传承人才培养》的主要内容。参加会议的有甘肃省科协党组成员、副主席张涛,甘肃省残联党组成员、副理事长宋保才,甘肃中医药大学前副校长、甘肃省科协生命科学学会联合体主席王新华教授,甘肃老教授协会会长、兰州大学循证医学中心主任杨克虎教授,甘肃省妇幼保健院(甘肃省中心医院)副院长易彬主任医师,甘肃省中医院副院长罗向霞主任医师,兰州市第一人民医院副院长范晓涌主任医师,宫氏脑针疗法创始人、中国中医药管理局高新适宜技术首席推广专家宫长祥教授,以及兰州大学第一医院、甘肃省妇幼保健院(甘肃省中心医院)、甘肃省中医院、甘肃省康复中心医院、兰州市第一人民医院等多家三甲医院的领导和权威专家,宫氏脑针医疗团队的核心成员,甘肃中科生命科学研究院的专家学者,兰州市凡尘安星特殊教育中心的教师代表,参与宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫和自闭症临床研究的患儿家长代表,以及部分行业专家代表,共计70余人。 甘肃中医药大学前副校长王新华教授主持会议 会议由王新华副校长主持。首先,杨克虎教授代表课题组做了《宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫和自闭症的有效性与安全性研究—基于真实世界的前瞻性、自身前后对照研究》的报告。报告从研究的背景及目的、前期准备、研究实施、研究结果评价、结论与展望等多个维度,对宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫和自闭症临床研究的方案设计、伦理审批、患者招募、疗程确定,治疗过程、疗效观察、效果评价、数据分析、存在问题和未来发展进行了系统全面的汇报。应用GMFM-88量表和FMFM量表分别评估脑瘫患儿粗大运动功能和精细运动功能的改善情况,ABC量表和CARS 量表分别评估自闭症患儿行为障碍和自闭症严重程度的改善情况。研究显示,宫氏脑针治疗3个疗程后,脑瘫患儿中粗大运动功能评分从基础的71.02%提升到85.99%,与基线相比第1、2、3个疗程治疗后粗大运动功能评分分别提升7.95%、11.93%和14.96%;精细运动功能评分从基础的81.85%提升到93.99%,第1、2、3个疗程治疗后精细运动功能评分分别提升6.83%、11.75%和12.84%。在自闭症患儿中,行为障碍评分从基础的109.20分降低至68.40分,与基线相比第1、2、3个疗程治疗后行为障碍评分分别降低13.20、26.00和40.80分;严重程度评分从基础的42.20分降低至35.80分,第1、2、3个疗程治疗后严重程度评分分别降低3.40、5.40和6.40分。结果提示在不同疗程治疗后,脑瘫患儿的运动功能和自闭症患儿的行为障碍情况均有所改善,且随着治疗疗程的延长,治疗效果逐步增强。 甘肃老教授协会会长、兰州大学循证医学中心主任杨克虎教授做研究报告 接着,患儿家长代表分享了孩子接受治疗后发生的可喜变化,表达了激动与感恩的心情,期望能够继续得到宫氏脑针的治疗;兰州市凡尘安星特殊教育中心的教师代表从参与者与见证者角度,讲述了学校老师们全力配合、全程参与研究的过程,以及孩子们在治疗后症状的改善;评估专家代表则从专业角度,对宫氏脑针治疗效果评价指标的选择和评价过程的介绍,展示了研究的严谨性、科学性和可信性。 患儿家长代表分享了孩子接受治疗的情况 兰州市凡尘安星特殊教育中心的教师代表交流发言 评估专家介绍宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫和自闭症效果评价的情况 宫长祥教授做《宫氏脑针案例分享》的报告 随后,宫长祥教授做了《宫氏脑针案例分享》,分别就宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫、自闭症、耳聋等一些典型案例进行了分享,宫氏脑针的显著疗效获得众多专家、患者家属的认可。 张涛副主席总结致辞 参加《宫氏脑针研究结果汇报会》的部分领导和专家 最后,甘肃省科协党组成员、副主席张涛做总结致辞,对甘肃省老教授协会和兰州大学循证医学团队,宫氏脑针医疗团队的辛勤付出和无私奉献给予充分肯定和高度评价;对患儿家属的全程参与、学校老师的积极配合表示衷心的感谢和诚挚的敬意;最后强调,期待宫氏脑针研究团队能够继续克服困难,携手推动宫氏脑针疗法成为“甘肃爱心工程”,并在陇原大地广泛推广应用,为更多脑瘫和自闭症患儿带来福音,为广大特殊家庭和社会贡献更多力量。 脑瘫和自闭症是常见的神经发育障碍性疾病,通常会影响儿童的运动、认知、语言和社交能力,这些疾病至今尚无根治方法,给家庭和社会带来严重负担。据宫长祥教授介绍,宫氏脑针疗法是一种通过松解特定部位的筋膜,释放膜内张力,从而改变神经系统工作力学环境的创新治疗方法。通过调整神经系统的功能,宫氏脑针疗法在理论上可以促进神经系统的自我修复,从而有望缓解脑瘫和自闭症的症状,改善患者的生活质量。《宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫和自闭症的有效性与安全性研究—基于真实世界的前瞻性、自身前后对照研究》结果显示宫氏脑针疗法在改善脑瘫患儿运动功能和自闭症患儿异常行为方面具有潜在的临床价值。然而,由于研究存在样本量小、治疗疗程较短等一定的局限性,后续需要通过前瞻性、大样本、多中心的随机对照试验,进一步验证宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫和自闭症的有效性和安全性。 新闻背景: 《宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫的真实世界研究及传承人才培养》是由中共甘肃省委组织部批准立项的2024年度省级重点人才项目。该项目由甘肃省老教授协会联合兰州大学第一医院中医科和兰州大学循证医学中心共同实施,旨在推动宫氏脑针疗法在脑瘫治疗领域的应用,并为其继承与发展培养专业人才。 2024年6月20日-24日,甘肃省2024年度省级人才项目“宫氏脑针疗法”培训班在兰州市第一人民医院成功举办。培训班吸引了来自兰州市各县区医院、乡镇卫生院(社区卫生服务中心)从事针灸工作的中医药专业技术人员近300人参加。 2024年6月22日,《宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫的真实世界研究及传承人才培养》项目启动仪式暨兰州市第三人民医院“宫氏脑针”专家工作站签约仪式在兰州市第三人民医院隆重举行。此次活动标志着该项目正式进入实施阶段。甘肃省老教授协会和兰州大学循证医学中心研究团队在前期进行了细致的实地调研,并与相关教师和家长进行了深入座谈,最终确立了“兰州凡尘安星特殊教育中心”作为项目的受试者招募基地,并与同意接受宫氏脑针治疗的12名患儿家长正式签署了知情同意书。宫氏脑针疗法的发明人宫长祥教授亲自为这些患儿进行了临床治疗。最终,2名脑瘫患儿和5名自闭症患儿完成了为期66天、共3个疗程的治疗。宫氏脑针治疗脑瘫和自闭症临床有效性和安全性的评估由甘肃省康复中心医院儿童康复二科宋蒙主任医师领衔完成。 END 责 编 | 郭丽萍、吴亚楠 初 审 | 魏志鹏 终 审 | 杨克虎
点击上方蓝字 关注 兰大循证 近日,中心杨克虎教授、李秀霞教授、魏志鹏教授和Nina博士收到全球证据综合共同体(Global Evidence Synthesis Community, GESC)通知,祝贺当选为全球证据综合共同体成员,其中魏志鹏教授担任数据共享与再利用小组联席主席。中国仅4人当选,全部来自兰州大学循证社会科学研究中心。 2024年9月,英国经济和社会研究委员会(ESRC)宣布提供1150万英镑的资助,用于开发一个全球证据综合体系架构,从而促进全球证据生态系统的发展。随后,英国Wellcome Trust基金会资助7500万英镑,以支持人工智能驱动的证据综合系统,进一步助力全球证据综合体系架构的建立。在此背景下,Cochrane、JBI 和 Campbell Collaboration 三大国际循证研究机构联合发起成立了GESC,并得到了联合国开发计划署(UNDP)和可持续发展联盟积极参与和支持。 全球证据综合共同体(GESC)是一个旨在全球范围内生产、支持和利用证据,通过合作和知识共享提升证据综合的质量和效率,以建立全球证据综合体系架构和加速可持续发展目标实现(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)的国际学术团体。主要目标包括推动证据的透明度、促进数据的再利用和共享,以及加强不同领域证据的综合应用。同时,为加快实现可持续发展目标提供科学证据支持,打造一个在多个领域(包括健康、气候、教育和医学)促进相关组织合作,并将证据综合应用于实践和政策决策的全球组织,以应对过度生产、重复研究和研究浪费等挑战。下设需求方参与(Demand Side Engagement )、数据共享与再利用(Data sharing and reusing)、人工智能安全使用(Safe and responsible use of AI)、方法与过程创新(Methods & process innovatio)与能力共享(Capacity sharing)5个工作 组。 2024年12月初,GESC面向全球征集工作组联席主席和成员。候选人需满足全球证据综合共同体要求的学术背景、研究成果以及在证据综合领域的贡献。经过对候选人的专业能力以及推动国际合作的潜力进行了4轮评估遴选,最后在全球范围择优录取了60名成员。成员既有在联合国、世界卫生组织、Campbell协作网等国际组织或机构工作的管理者,也有来自高校、研究院所的研究者,还有来自企业、医院等机构的实践者。中国仅有4名人员当选,且均来自兰州大学循证社会科学研究中心,凸显了兰州大学在全球循证科学领域具有重要的影响力,表明中心师生的专业及学术能力得到国际同行认可,为与国际顶尖学者交流及参与全球合作提供了发展契机。 END 责 编 | 郭丽萍、吴亚楠 初 审 | 魏志鹏 终 审 | 杨克虎
点击上方蓝字 关注 兰大循证 评估是助力政府科学管理、循证决策和服务民众的重要手段,是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的需要。中国式现代化取得的伟大成就,离不开科学管理和循证决策,也需要评估发挥关键作用。2024年10月,由国家国际发展合作署与联合国开发计划署联合举办的第八届国家评估能力会议(NEC)在北京召开,其目的就是提高国家评估能力、建立面向未来的评估体系和方法,助力循证决策,引领未来发展。 为推动评估及循证决策发展,兰州大学社会科学处、兰州大学国际合作与交流处、兰州大学循证社会科学交叉创新实验室、兰州大学循证社会科学研究中心,从2024年11月18日至2025年1月20日,举办了10讲“循证社会科学前沿系列讲座”之“评估”专题系列讲座(第34-43讲)。邀请了联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)、金砖国家新开发银行(NDB)、蒙古评估协会(MEA)、伦敦卫生与热带医学院(LSHTM)、中国农业大学、天津大学、兰州大学和广东省国际工程咨询有限公司等机构的国际知名评估专家作为主讲人,从国内到国际、从理论到实践、从能力建设到标准制定,从评估方法到评估体系,围绕评估的概念与类型、评估案例及其经验、评估能力与生态系统建设、如何加强评估的应用、国际发展领域的评估、评估标准及报告等评估领域的前沿主题,系统的讲授或分享了全球评估领域的理论体系、前沿方法与实践案例。 “评估”专题系列讲座的组织,是兰州大学循证社会科学研究中心以学术行动回应国家重大关切、推动全球可持续发展的体现,既促进了中外评估领域的交流合作的进一步深化,也为评估在中国的发展和实践注入了活力。目前,中心正在围绕评估方法和评估体系建设开展专题研究,并于2024年11月举办了“评估”工作坊。2025年6月,中心将联合联合国儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署、蒙古评估协会、亚洲开发银行、亚洲基础设施投资银行、新开发银行、德国发展评估研究所等国际组织或机构举办国际评估培训班。 “循证社会科学前沿系列讲座”之“评估”专题系列(第34-43讲)信息一览表 END 责 编 | 郭丽萍、吴亚楠 初 审 | 魏志鹏 终 审 | 杨克虎
A country of many ecosystems, Tanzania takes important steps to counter climate change
From savannahs to forested highlands, the many ecosystems of Tanzania are being increasingly affected by climate change. Wildfires have raged on the snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. Droughts have depleted water sources and destroyed farmland and floods have hammered communities across the country. These and other impacts of climate change have had a devastating effect on rural communities in the country. In response to these challenges, and with support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Tanzania has developed a national strategy that outlines measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The strategy focuses on enhancing climate resilience in key sectors, such as agriculture, water resources, healthcare and infrastructure. It also aims to integrate climate change considerations into national development planning and promote sustainable practices. UNEP continues to assist Tanzania in implementing the strategy, by providing technical support, capacity building, and facilitating access to climate finance and knowledge-sharing platforms to enhance climate resilience and low-carbon development. “UNEP has been instrumental in supporting Tanzania's environmental efforts,” said Selemani Saidi Jafo, the country’s Minister of Industry and Trade and former Minister of State for Union Affairs and the Environment in the Vice President’s Office. “It has helped us develop a new environmental policy and has provided extensive capacity-building initiatives for public servants, the private sector and non-governmental organizations.” Tanzania is among the 58 countries that contributed their full share to UNEP’s Environment Fund in 2023. Tanzania is prioritizing locations most affected by climate challenges, including regions where rising sea levels are flooding homes and agricultural fields with saltwater. In Zanzibar, for example, the government has provided communities with fishing boats, reducing their dependency on forests and promoting alternative livelihoods. Sea walls have also been constructed in seven sites along Tanzania’s coast, such as Pemba and Dar es Salaam, to prevent flooding. Credit: Unsplash/ Chema Photo The country is also focusing on water management, including efforts such as digging wells, building reservoirs, and improving irrigation systems to ensure consistent water access for farming and daily use, especially in areas facing recurring droughts and water scarcity, such as Arusha, Manyara and Longido. Greenhouse farming is further allowing farmers to grow crops under controlled conditions, mitigating the impacts of erratic weather patterns. Through the Global Environment Facility and the Green Climate Fund, UNEP has assisted Tanzania in launching numerous climate adaptation projects that support the country’s progress on these issues. To counter pollution, Tanzania banned plastic bags in 2019. Several biodiversity conservation projects supported by UNEP are meanwhile working to protect endangered species, restore habitats and promote the use of natural resources. These projects often involve local communities and aim to enhance livelihoods while conserving biodiversity. “The environment is a major issue globally, and Tanzania is no exception,” said Jafo. Tanzania is one of UNEP’s 2023 full-share funding partners, whose contributions to the Environment Fund, UNEP’s core fund, enable agile, innovative global solutions for climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. Learn how to support UNEP to  invest in people and planet.
Lessons Learned - Independent Assessment of the Closed Projects under the Special Programme Report (December 2024)
The Secretariat organized the first assessment of closed projects under the Special Programme in 2022. This assessment aimed to synthesize findings on management structures, coordination, communication and awareness-raising, project components, financing, and specific circumstances. In December 2024, the Special Programme Secretariat launched the second independent assessment. For more information, please download the complete repot of the Second Independent Assessment of the Closed Projects under the Special Programme. Each project factsheet "Independent Assessment of the Closed Projects under the Special Programme Report (December 2024)" will be available soon.
Carbon Monitor Cities 2.0: Tracking Urban Emissions in Near Real Time
This note describes Carbon Monitor Cities 2.0, a new approach to near-real-time monitoring of city-level greenhouse gas emissions from various sectors without the need for local data collection. With support from the City Climate Finance Gap Fund, the World Bank piloted this approach for 11 cities in three middle-income countries: Egypt, South Africa, and Türkiye. The aim of the pilot was to demonstrate the ability to generate near-real-time data on local greenhouse gas emissions, which could allow a better understanding of the spatial and temporal patterns of urban carbon emissions in specific cities. This understanding could inform local climate change mitigation policies and investments, and also potentially be used as part of a monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system for carbon finance in the future. As this approach does not rely on local data collection, it can be scaled up to a large number of cities relatively easily, particularly in low-and-middle-income countries that lack data.
UNEP, Italy expand effort to harness digitalization for environmental and humanitarian gains
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), with the support of the Italian government, today launched the second phase of a successful initiative to digitalize power systems and lower their climate impact. The effort will focus on Africa and widen its scope to back resource-efficiency in agriculture. Phase I of the Demand-Driven Electricity Networks Initiative (3DEN) was launched in 2021 to spread the use of smart technologies that optimize power use, saving energy and money, and preventing greenhouse gas emissions. During this phase, the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, in collaboration with UNEP, supported pilot projects in Brazil, Colombia, India and Morocco. These initiatives demonstrated innovative models, delivering tangible benefits to tens of thousands of consumers. Italy has contributed 20 million euros to the 3DEN initiative since 2020. The second phase is looking to fund projects that accelerate the digitalization of agriculture and urban energy networks, starting with seven African nations—Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Tunisia—alongside Brazil. The projects will address infrastructure challenges, improve digital literacy and ensure affordable access to digital tools.  “Action to address global warming and its impacts is not strong enough or fast enough,” said Dechen Tsering, acting interim Director of UNEP’s Climate Division. “Cutting emissions from the power sector is crucial to catch up and protect people and the planet, which is why 3DEN can make a real difference. “Smart technologies allow greater efficiency in power systems and make it easier to integrate renewable sources into grids, which can deliver power to millions more people without increasing emissions,” Tsering added. “UNEP is grateful to Italy for its support and looks forward to delivering a stronger impact in the second phase, including by backing African farmers to grow more with fewer resources.” "With the launch of the second phase of the 3DEN initiative, Italy reaffirms its unwavering commitment to fostering innovative, inclusive, and sustainable solutions for the energy transition,” said Alessandro Guerri, Director General for European and International Affairs and Sustainable Finance at the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security. “This effort is strengthened by the pivotal collaboration of the International Energy Agency and the United Nations Environment Programme, whose expertise and leadership play a crucial role in shaping global strategies.  “Guided by our Piano Mattei, we prioritize multistakeholder collaboration, digitalization and investment to address the dual challenges of climate change and energy access, particularly for the world’s most vulnerable regions,” Guerri added. “This initiative underscores Italy’s dedication to advancing resilient, clean energy systems while building a sustainable future for all." Why digitalization matters The power sector is the largest single contributor to carbon dioxide emissions at a time when greenhouse gas emissions need to be almost halved by 2030 to get on track for holding global warming to 1.5°C, as targeted by the Paris Agreement on climate change. At the same time, 675 million people lack access to electricity and 2.3 billion still cook and heat with wood, charcoal and other unhealthy fuels. Resolving this issue of inequity, poverty and health will require new power capacity and infrastructure expansion. As electricity demand increases, digitalization can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by enabling precise management of energy systems across sectors like agriculture and industry. According to the IEA, digitalization could cut global energy consumption in buildings alone by up to 10 per cent by 2040. Smart grids, real-time monitoring and data analytics also facilitate the integration of renewable energy into grids, helping officials anticipate and respond to climate-related disruptions while increasing system resilience and adaptability. Digital approaches can be applied to other sectors to avoid the waste of natural resources such as water and land, which is why Phase II of the project is expanding beyond purely energy systems.  Digitalization of urban energy systems  Urban energy systems are one focus of phase II, as cities in Africa face unique challenges, including rapid urbanization and population growth, ageing infrastructure and limited access to reliable energy. Some of the potential applications for digitalization in urban energy systems include: Smart-grid integration: By adopting smart grid technologies, cities can reduce power outages, optimize load balancing and better manage electricity distribution. Demand response systems: Real-time communication between utilities and consumers enables peak load reduction and energy conservation. Distributed energy resource management: Integrating renewable sources, like solar and wind, within urban grids can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels, supporting a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. Funding pilot agriculture projects Phase II will also support the implementation of innovations that build resilience and profitability within the agricultural sector, enabling farmers and agribusinesses to make informed, data-driven decisions and minimize the use of valuable natural resources. Examples of the kind of technologies 3DEN is looking to back are: Precision agriculture. By using sensors and data analytics, farmers can optimize crop yields and reduce resource use, minimizing waste in inputs like water and fertilizer. Smart irrigation: Digital irrigation systems can adjust water levels based on real-time data, helping to conserve water, a crucial resource in many African regions. Digital marketplaces and blockchain: Digital platforms provide farmers with better market access and pricing transparency. Blockchain technology, for instance, can offer traceability, enhancing quality and safety standards across the supply chain. Phase I achievements Projects in Phase I revealed valuable insights and demonstrated benefits in reliability, cost savings and environmental impact. In India, a consortium developed a digital twin for electric distribution grids in partnership with Panitek Power and the Energy and Resources Institute. This tool enhanced operational reliability, improved outage management and reduced costs for 20,000 consumers. In Brazil, the pilot project empowered residents in social housing by using smart digital tools to manage their energy consumption, reducing costs and energy waste. In Morocco, the project supported Les Eaux Minérales d'Oulmès to implement advanced energy monitoring systems, reducing energy consumption by 25 per cent. In Colombia, the Enelflex project engaged over 100,000 users in a demand-response initiative, reducing power interruptions and emissions. About the 3DEN Call for Proposal  Applicants can submit a project for a maximum of US$2,000,000, excluding co-financing. Pilot projects must be implemented within a 24-month timeframe and have a minimum of 30 per cent co-financing. Applications must be submitted electronically by email, ensuring that the submission is done before the deadline on 23rd May 2025. For more information, click here.  About the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) UNEP is the leading global voice on the environment. It provides leadership and encourages partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.
点击上方蓝字 关注 兰大循证 2025年1月10日上午,省委宣传部副部长甘博源,省委宣传部理论处处长李庆武,省委宣传部理论处二级主任科员郑秉隆一行来到兰州大学循证社会科学交叉创新实验室调研考察。兰州大学副校长沙勇忠,学科建设与发展规划处处长李兴业,青藏高原人文环境数据智能实验室党委书记杨林坤、副主任祝忠明,社会科学处副处长邓汉华等陪同。 甘博源副部长一行先后参观了实验室的办公空间和基础设施,仔细了解了实验室的人才培养、学科建设、国际交流、平台研发等情况。 调研组对实验室所做的工作和取得成效给予了高度评价。同时指出,兰州大学循证社会科学交叉创新实验室特色鲜明,在机构成立、学科创建、科学研究、国际合作、学科交叉等方面开创先河,并对标教育部哲学社会科学实验室建设标准,组建了跨学科、国际化团队,形成了完整的教材体系和课程体系,建设了独有的全球可持续发展证据数据库,坚持数智赋能推动智慧循证研究方法与研究工具创新,着眼“四个面向”开展国家重大科研项目活动,深化国际交流构筑全球合作网络,具备建成高层次哲学社会科学实验室的基础条件。希望实验室进一步继续努力,高标准严要求,加快科研范式转型和学科交叉融合、助力复合人才培养、凸显特色发展优势,为中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系的构建贡献力量。 哲学社会科学实验室建设是在当前数据密集型科研范式和人工智能驱动的科研范式环境下,相关管理机构及学界引进、运用新兴科学技术和实验研究方法来开展哲学社会科学的教学与科研工作,推动中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系构建的发展举措。2020年12月,教育部社科司下发启动教育部哲学社会科学重点实验室试点建设工作的通知,2021年12月,教育部办公厅正式发文公布首批教育部哲学社会科学实验室名单。此外,国家新闻出版署、文化和旅游部陆续在全国建设了一批哲学社会科学实验室,浙江、江苏、福建、四川等多个省市已开始省级哲学社会科学实验室建设。 END 责 编 | 郭丽萍、吴亚楠 初 审 | 魏志鹏 终 审 | 杨克虎
点击上方蓝字 关注 兰大循证 1月12日上午,由甘肃省图书馆主办,兰州大学循证社会科学研究中心等单位协办的“刊海拾珠”——第四期外文期刊小小体验官朗读活动在甘肃省图书馆成功举办。中心Howard White教授为活动专门录制致辞视频,Nina博士、李艳飞博士、后亮瑛博士出席活动。 Howard White教授在致辞视频中祝贺了活动的顺利举办,并期待小学生们通过参加这样一个竞赛活动,能够提升和丰富他们的阅历与知识,进而为他们人生的精彩成长积累信心。 比赛环节,由层层选拔推荐的小体验官们用饱满的热情和流利的英语朗读外文期刊中的非遗故事,让在场读者感受到了不同文化的碰撞与融合。参赛选手们表示通过参加这次活动,不仅提高了自己的英语水平,还感受到了不同文化交相辉映的浓厚魅力,收获满满。 兰州大学循证社会科学研究中心为本次活动的总体策划、问卷设计、数据分析等提供了重要的方法指导,协同主办方力图将循证研究贯穿于活动始末,进而不但要让活动精彩纷呈,还要通过循证研究来发现活动的价值和影响,以科学研究结果为活动完善和下一步发展提供证据支持。 END 责 编 | 郭丽萍、吴亚楠 初 审 | 魏志鹏 终 审 | 杨克虎
International Classification of Violence against Children (ICVAC)
With the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, the global community made a commitment to end all forms of violence against children by 2030. Although this drew much needed attention to the importance of preventing and responding to violence against children, the availability of comparable data remains limited. The scarcity of comprehensive data concerning the issue is undoubtedly amplifying the problem at hand, as it reinforces the misconception that violence is a peripheral phenomenon. In response, UNICEF has developed the International Classification of Violence against Children (ICVAC) with inputs from over 200 experts from national statistical offices, academia, and international organizations. ICVAC includes operational definitions of all forms of violence against children and covers interpersonal and collective violence, both in times of peace and during internal or international armed conflict. The classification will provide countries with a tool to capture and categorize incidents of violence and consequently assess the extent to which their national definitions and data collection efforts comply with internationally-agreed standards. It will also facilitate the production of comparable data across different countries and contribute to obtaining a clearer understanding of the actual extent of violence, enabling more effective strategies and interventions to combat it. Countries will be able to collaborate more efficiently, exchange best practices, and collectively address the multifaceted challenges associated with violence on a global scale. Download the document Discover more about the ICVAC by taking the quiz! Please note that this quiz is anonymous and no user scores will be logged. Related resources Violent deaths Read more Violent discipline Read more Attitudes and social norms on violence Read more Intimate partner violence Read more Sexual violence Read more Bullying Read more
文章转自兰大循证微信公众号 由兰州大学循证科学团队葛龙教授领衔研发的证据智能合成与分级平台AutoMeta(http://www.autometa.org.cn/)近日正式上线。AutoMeta平台是一款基于R-shiny程序,拥有完全自主知识产权的半自动化、交互式、用户友好型在线工具,支持多种类型的Meta分析;引入了国际公认的GRADE方法,可实现证据确信度的自动化分级,旨在为用户开展循证研究提供高效、便捷的证据合成与分级服务。 AutoMeta平台以简化系统评价流程为核心设计理念,以AI赋能循证研究,着力提升证据合成的效率与准确性,同时显著降低了操作门槛,具备以下特点: ① Meta分析数据处理与GRADE分级一体化 ② 一键上传多比较组、多结局数据,菜单式完成证据合成与分级 ③ 分析结果可打包下载,效率提升10倍以上 ④ GRADE分级结果可修正,证据汇总表自动生成 ⑤ 循证方法学研究与顶刊论文库,助力高质量Meta分析制作 目前,AutoMeta平台已实现了双臂Meta分析和逆方差Meta分析,网状Meta分析和诊断试验准确性Meta分析正在开发中。平台相关研究成果已在《中国循证医学杂志》发布(https://www.cjebm.com/article/10.7507/1672-2531.202309023),并成功获得计算机软件著作权1项。 AutoMeta平台是兰州大学循证科学研究团队顺应数智时代发展趋势、推动循证研究迈向第五科研范式(AI4S)、将人工智能应用于循证研究领域而推出的首个AI4EBM产品,后续将在进一步丰富自身功能、提升用户体验的基础上,还将陆续推出中成药用药智能助手等系列循证研究数智工具。 我们诚邀各位相关领域的学者和专业人士访问和应用平台,并期待大家提出宝贵意见和建议,共同推动平台的不断完善与循证研究范式变革。 END 责 编 | 郭丽萍、吴亚楠 初 审 | 魏志鹏 终 审 | 杨克虎
In Albania, coupling ecotourism with conservation for economic growth 
Nestled in southeastern Europe bordering the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, Albania boasts mountains, rivers, wetlands and coastal lagoons home to numerous endemic species. Recognizing biodiversity as one of its greatest assets, the country sees its landscapes not only as a source of pride but also of economic potential, especially through tourism.  To protect these ecosystems and the income they can bring, Albania is looking toward sustainability. Tourism in Albania has seen growth in recent years. In 2023, Albania ranked fourth globally for the largest percentage increase in international tourist arrivals, with many visitors coming to enjoy the country’s nature and beaches.  As this level of growth in tourism poses risks to nature, land and biodiversity loss, the government established a joint Ministry of Tourism and Environment in 2017. Its goal: to help ensure environmental protection does not diminish alongside the industry’s uptick. “The interests of nature conservation, biodiversity protection and sustainable development will always prevail over tourism investments,” said Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi, Minister of Tourism and Environment of Albania. In 2022, the country expanded its protected areas to cover 21.4 per cent of its territory from 17.5 per cent, Kumbaro Furxhi said. This included the establishment of the Albanian Alps National Park. Covering an area of approximately 83,000 hectares with stunning mountain landscapes and valleys, the park aims to better integrate biodiversity conservation with rural development.  The Ministry of Tourism and Environment also promotes responsible tourism that benefits both local communities and the environment. A notable example is the Vjosa Wild River National Park, which in 2023 became the world’s first wild river national park, Kumbaro Furxhi said. The government consulted extensively with local communities before creating the park, according to ministry officials.   “This collaborative approach has become a model we successfully apply across the country,” said Kumbaro Furxhi.  Vjosa Wild River National Park now balances ecological significance with human recreation. Ecotourism activities, such as rafting and fishing, are managed in a way that ensures they align with conservation goals and support local livelihoods while also protecting the region’s cultural traditions and agriculture.   Vjosa is one of the last wild rivers in Europe. Credit: Albanian National Tourism Agency Through partnerships with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), Albania has further expanded its protected area network, improving biodiversity conservation and climate resilience. Projects in the Kune-Vaini lagoon ecoystem and North Albanian Mountainous Region have enhanced local capacities and increased awareness of climate change, benefiting both the tourism sector and conservation efforts.  Albania Minister of Tourism and Environment Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi and UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen, during Andersen’s official visit to the country. Credit: Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania UNEP also supports Albania in several other key areas including science-policy integration, capacity building, technology transfer and awareness-raising activities. Ecosystem-based adaptation approaches are now being integrated into national development strategies to build capacity and raise awareness about climate change and reduce vulnerability to its impacts.  As part of its efforts to meet European Union (EU) accession goals, Albania is aligning its environmental policies with EU standards, including the integration of the EU’s Birds and Habitats Directives into national legislation. The two directives aim to maintain or restore protected species and habitats. The country is also working to improve enforcement in areas such as waste management and climate action.   Related Story Albania: How a lagoon became a frontline defence against climate change Press release $134-million initiative aims to eliminate mercury-containing medical devices Albania stands out as one of seven countries in the world with its power generation coming entirely from renewable resources, namely hydropower. According to the UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2023, Albania is one of the 36 countries that have sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions for over a decade. However, despite its minimal contribution to climate change, Albania faces its adverse effects, which threaten the stability of water resources and hydropower plants that are vulnerable to drought and changing weather patterns. As a result, Albania has sought to diversify its energy sources by investing in solar, wind and geothermal projects.  Albania is among the countries that contribute their full financial share to UNEP’s core fund, the Environment Fund. “By contributing our full share, we affirm our belief in UNEP's crucial role in enhancing planetary resilience through conservation, restoration and the sustainable use of nature,” said Kumbaro Furxhi.  Albania is one of UNEP’s 2023 and 2024 full-share funding partners, whose contributions to the Environment Fund, UNEP’s core fund, enable agile, innovative global solutions for climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. Learn how to support UNEP to  invest in people and planet.     
Prediction models in dental care - basis for the National Board of Health and Welfare’s mission to develop a national model for risk assessment in dental care
Background SBU has been commissioned by the Government (S2024/01524)) to support the National Board of Health and Welfare in the Agency’s mission to develop a national model for risk assessment in dental care. The risk assessment is essential for creating individualized treatment plan and determining the appropriate frequency for regular examination (revision interval). Risk assessment includes risks of the development or exacerbation of oral diseases. A comprehensive risk assessment during a dental examination considers numerous factors, including caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, and other infections affecting the teeth or surrounding bone. Additionally, changes in the oral mucosa, chewing function, bite physiology, bite development, previous dental treatments, saliva function, dietary habits, oral hygiene, overall oral health, general health, and systemic diseases, including medication use, are carefully evaluated. AIM In a previous project, SBU has identified that the scientific evidence is insufficient to assess whether there is scientific support for prediction models for caries and periodontitis. The project will be based on previous assignments (SBU 2023/1092)) but with expanded research in three new areas. The aim of the project is to investigate the scientific basis for prediction models for caries, periodontitis, bite abnormalities including bite development, bite physiological problems (pain or dysfunction in the chewing muscles and jaw joint) and oral mucosal changes.
Financing Climate Action for Transportation in Developing Countries
The climate change crisis makes Paris Alignment of the transport sector one of the most pressing development challenges. Transport emissions are rising at a higher rate in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) than in high-income countries. However, the current climate finance landscape for developing economies may be insufficient to support the challenge. While more climate finance can play an important role in reducing the investment gap, the transport sector has some limitation to generate revenues from users and thus, on the capacity to mobilize finance. First, transport as a sector encompasses multiple infrastructure and transportation services for passengers and freight. Second, even when some pricing is possible, often, it is not done correctly to include externalities and thus, it could lead to over investment (i.e., private cars running on poor roads) and under investment (i.e., sidewalks, bike lines, public transport) - the use of carbon taxes to correct for climate externalities is limited in developed economies. Third, transport services (and their infrastructure) can complement when they provide multimodality, or they can be substitutes when there is competition in the market or redundancy for resilience. Governments need to address the fundamental bankability issues in projects, which are reinforced even more in green transport projects. In conclusion, a paradigm shift is required in the way transport services and the built environment interact to align with the Paris Agreement.
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