Mark Newman

University College London, Department of Social Science, Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordination Centre (EPPI-Centre)


I am an Interdisciplinary Social Scientist working predominantly in applied research areas. My professional background includes health, social sciences and education and I have worked in the NHS as well as in Higher Education. My academic interests span three inter-related areas:
  1. Developing methods and processes for and producing systematic reviews for policy and practice decision making across different areas of social policy including education;
  2. Capacity building amongst practitioners, researchers and policymakers to produce, critically appraise and utilize research evidence;
  3. Methods for the design and evaluation of effective learning environments in workplace professional,  clinical ,and school education.
I use a range of  approaches and methods in my research including Experimental Research designs, Qualitative fieldwork and interviews, and Systematic Reviews. 

I combine my interests in my roles as a senior researcher in the EPPI-Centre,  Module Leader on the MSc in Social Policy and Social Research and Programme Leader  of the Research Training Programme in the Centre for Doctoral Education UCL Institute of Education.