Rebecca Rees

University College London, Department of Social Science, Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordination Centre (EPPI-Centre)


In my earliest research role I worked for an environmental charity. I am now actively seeking collaborators to contribute together to developing research evidence the field of environmental management and sustainability - please get in touch! 

I am an internationally recognised research methodologist known for my expertise in the innovative area of perspectives and participation in the synthesis of existing research. I have also a sustained substantive research contribution to the field of public health through the production of qualitative and mixed-methods systematic reviews, with a particular focus on young people’s health and wellbeing. My studies have focused on methods for producing policy-relevant research syntheses, which require different stakeholders to work together to identify, analyse and interpret multiple types of research as a step towards developing solutions. 

I have particular expertise in methods for synthesising studies of people's views on or experiences of social phenomena, approaches to Qualitative Evidence Synthesis, mixed-methods systematic reviewing, research ethics and the active participation of public and other kinds of stakeholder in research. 

As an Associate Director of the internationally-renowned Evidence for Policy and Practice Information (EPPI) Centre, I have applied my engagement with the intersection of research and education to ensure the centre is recognised for its training by national and international bodies who have financed or commissioned tailored courses, including the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods, Public Health England and the Norwegian Ministry of Education. 

In addition to a qualitative evidence synthesis published as part of a WHO programme on eLearning for health professional education, my significant contribution to education within my field includes educational articles on novel methods for systematic reviews, published in peer reviewed academic journals and text books and aimed at educators and students. Again incorporating a focus on participation and perspectives, my work on distance-learning research and educational development projects also has included students as participants and as active co-researchers.