中心师生参加国际循证社会科学研究领域学术盛会——What Works Global Summit 2021


2021年10月18日至10月26日,国际循证社会科学研究领域一年一度的学术盛会—What WorksGlobal Summit 2021采用在线会议的形式召开。此次会议由Campbell协作网和全球发展网络(GDN)共同主办,美国研究所(AIR)、威廉和弗洛拉休利特基金会(William&Flora Hewlett Foundation)、法国发展署(AFD)和拉丁美洲开发银行(CAF)赞助。大会全程在YouTube网站直播,面向全球关注循证社会科学领域的专家、学者和决策者免费开放参会权限。大会邀请联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会执行秘书Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana和拉丁美洲开发银行影响评估和政策研究中心主任Daniel Ortega开幕致辞。兰州大学循证社会科学研究中心的杨克虎老师、王学军老师、刘光华老师、魏丽莉老师、斯丽娟老师、陈耀龙老师、田金徽老师、马彬老师、王英老师、胡晓玲老师、柳春艳老师、李秀霞老师和葛龙老师及其团队全程参与了本次会议。


兰州大学循证社会科学研究中心作为此次所有全球参与机构中成果数量最多的团队,共有16篇研究成果在大会做口头报告,被大会评为“WWGS2021最佳专题讨论组奖”,罗晓锋老师主持了主题为Research status and progress of living systematic review的论坛,博士研究生郭丽萍、硕士研究生着凉和陈露颖在“卫生系统教育研究”系列专题论坛上分别做《Effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) for medical education: overview of systematic reviews》;《Bibliometric analysis of the curriculum and teaching reform of postgraduate in the field of medicine and health》和《Bibliometric analysis for foreign papers of standardized patient based on teaching》口头报告。





12021.10.18Panel 1.2
Evidence for better ageing
OralXuan YuPromotion of theelders economic and social participation with gender lens in China
2OralZhe WangHigh intensity interval training vs moderate-intensity continuous training on the prognosis in patients with myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
32021.10.19Panel 5.1
Rapid fire session
OralXuan YuMethodological and reporting quality of meta-analysis in business & management
4OraLuying ChengAnalysis of the research subject and co-citation of living systematic reviews
5OralPing WangReporting quality assessment of Campbell systematic reviews in the last five years
6OralMei WuThe relationship between diabetic retinopathy and cognitive dystunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
72021.10.20Panel 7.2
Towards developing an evidence architecture for   elder abuse (World Health
OralJieyun LInterventions for detection, prevention and response to elder abuse and neglect: An evidence gap map
8Panel 8.2
Research status and progress of living systematic review (Lanzhou
OralXiaofeng Luo/
9OralQingyong ZhengHotspots and Frontier Trends of AIDS Research Among Chinese and Foreign College Students
10OralQingyong ZhengPast,Present and Future of living systematic review: A Bibliometric Analysis
11OralJianguo XuIntroduction to the Living Network Meta-Analysis
12Plenary 3
Knowledge brokering to strengthen evidence use: lessons from PEERSS about being rapid and responsive
OralXuan YuPartnership for Evidence and Equity in Responsive Social Systems
132021.10.26Panel 24.1
Reviews of health systems education
OralLiping GucEffectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) for medical education: overview of systematic reviews
14OralLiang ZhaoBibliometric analysis of the curriculum and teaching reform of postgraduate in the field of medicine and health
15OralLiang ZhaoCompetency-based education in global medicine and health field:a bibliometric analysis
16OralLuying ChengBibliometric analysis for foreign papers of standardized patient based on teaching
17Panel 27.1
Approaches to measuring development impact
OralJian-Guo XuUsing Mendelian randomization as the cornerstone for causal inference in epidemiology
