
    Effective Data Use
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    Last month, IES director Mark Schneider expressed excitement about learning more from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) by applying artificial intelligence (AI) to micro-level data on students’ responses to individual test questions. We share the enthusiasm about learning more from NAEP—known as the Nation’s Report Card—and have developed ways to learn more today. Even without using AI, a lot more can be learned from the data that NAEP already reports: aggregated academic achievement results for states, districts, and demographic groups.

    浏览量:346  |  

    A new study using predictive modeling to account for nonrepresentative test participation in Pennsylvania in 2021 shows that the pandemic led to a substantial reduction in academic proficiency in grades 5 through 8.

    浏览量:14  |  
    Tim Kautz [智库专家]
    研究领域: Effective Data Use;   Special Education;   Teacher and Principal Preparation and Support;   Training and Re-employment;  
    Kate Place [智库专家]
    研究领域: Human Services;   Education;   Effective Data Use;   Strengthening and Disseminating Research;  
    Pia Caronongan [智库专家]
    研究领域: Human Services;   Early Childhood;   Professional Development;   Quality Measurement;   Effective Data Use;   Strengthening and Disseminating Research;  
    Alexandra Resch [智库专家]
    研究领域: Education;   Effective Data Use;   Strengthening and Disseminating Research;   Teacher and Principal Effectiveness;   Labor: Strengthening and Disseminating Research;   Human Services;  
    Juha Sohlberg [智库专家]
    研究领域: Education;   Effective Data Use;   School Choice and Charters;   Teacher and Principal Effectiveness;   Human Services;  
    Mary Grider [智库专家]
    研究领域: Education;   Effective Data Use;   Teacher and Principal Effectiveness;   Teacher and Principal Preparation and Support;   Human Services;  
    Lauren Amos [智库专家]
    研究领域: Human Services;   Education;   College and Career Readiness;   Effective Data Use;   Literacy and Numeracy;   School Reform;  
    Kristin Hallgren [智库专家]
    研究领域: Quality Measurement;   Education;   Effective Data Use;   School Reform;   Teacher and Principal Effectiveness;   Teacher and Principal Preparation and Support;  
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