
    On the Evidence Podcast
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    The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated pre-existing inequities that changed how individuals engage with pre-K programs, schools, colleges, employers, and the world at large. Early evidence suggests the pandemic took a toll on student learning, educational attainment, employment, and physical and mental well-being, especially in communities of color and communities experiencing poverty. In recognition of the fact that better data infrastructure will be needed to shift the systems that currently produce inequitable outcomes, a growing number of states are working to modernize statewide longitudinal data systems to understand the experiences and outcomes of individuals seamlessly across pre-K, K–12, postsecondary, and workforce systems.

    浏览量:293  |  

    On this episode of Mathematica’s On the Evidence podcast, Tulika Narayan shares how data and evidence can help confront the climate crisis and mitigate its manifold impacts on society.

    浏览量:34  |  

    On the latest episode of the On the Evidence podcast, guests Sue Lin, Luci Leykum, Julie Schilz, and Diane Rittenhouse discuss the workforce crisis in primary care and evidence-based solutions to address it.

    浏览量:38  |  
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