
    Mathematica Policy Research (United States)
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    Last month, IES director Mark Schneider expressed excitement about learning more from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) by applying artificial intelligence (AI) to micro-level data on students’ responses to individual test questions. We share the enthusiasm about learning more from NAEP—known as the Nation’s Report Card—and have developed ways to learn more today. Even without using AI, a lot more can be learned from the data that NAEP already reports: aggregated academic achievement results for states, districts, and demographic groups.

    浏览量:346  |  

    An estimated 18 million people with disabilities living in the United States are eligible for federal housing assistance, but do not receive it. Due to low wages and lack of accessible housing options, renters with disabilities are often priced out of their local housing markets, or are moderately or severely cost-burdened if they do have housing. The Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration, administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), was established in 2005 to ensure people with disabilities who need long-term services and supports can receive them in the setting of their choice. The MFP Demonstration is intended to enable grantees—including 41 state and territory Medicaid offices—to experiment and evaluate how new ideas help people with disabilities move to, and remain in, their communities. This includes bolstering home- and community-based services and helping people who choose to move out of institutional settings to secure community-based housing.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated pre-existing inequities that changed how individuals engage with pre-K programs, schools, colleges, employers, and the world at large. Early evidence suggests the pandemic took a toll on student learning, educational attainment, employment, and physical and mental well-being, especially in communities of color and communities experiencing poverty. In recognition of the fact that better data infrastructure will be needed to shift the systems that currently produce inequitable outcomes, a growing number of states are working to modernize statewide longitudinal data systems to understand the experiences and outcomes of individuals seamlessly across pre-K, K–12, postsecondary, and workforce systems.

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    Mathematica 的 ClimaWATCH 工具可帮助人们轻松探索热浪暴露、对热浪影响的易感性以及热引起的疾病在不同社区和不同时期的变化情况。通过提供动态、数据驱动的地图和指标,ClimaWATCH 可以帮助政府官员、公共卫生机构、医疗保健提供者和其他人:-确定热浪集中的地理走廊;-评估有热浪和没有热浪的县的社会环境因素有何不同,从而找出不公平的根源,并有针对性地提供资源;以及-量化过多的热引起的健康问题,以及这些疾病造成的经济损失。

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    Human services agencies are designed to support the health and well-being of the individuals and families they serve—but all too often, climate and environmental injustices get in their way. Climate injustice considers the disparate impact climate change has on communities that have been historically underserved or disenfranchised and thus are less equipped to adapt to or mitigate climate risks. Environmental injustice takes this a step further, reflecting on the unfair and unequal treatment these communities experience with respect to environmental laws, regulations, and policies.

    浏览量:205  |  

    宾夕法尼亚州教育部(PDE)安全学校办公室与 REL Mid-Atlantic 合作,利用宾夕法尼亚州教育部的校风调查数据开展了一项研究。

    浏览量:60  |  


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    Newly published findings from Mathematica and the Vermont Department of Health estimated that the societal costs of untreated perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) among birthing parents in Vermont reached $48 million. Investing in the prevention and treatment of mental health conditions in pregnant and postpartum people could go a long way toward decreasing that burden. PMADs are mental health conditions that develop during pregnancy and the year after delivery. They are the most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth and include diagnoses such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. In Vermont alone, PMADs increased from about 20 percent in 2014 to 25 percent in 2020, according to the report. The total societal cost of untreated PMADs in Vermont—which include direct costs, such as medical costs, and indirect costs, such as lost work time—reached $48 million for all births when following the parent–child pair from pregnancy through five years postpartum. This amounts to $35,910 in excess costs per birthing parent with an untreated PMAD and their child. The largest cost drivers include preterm birth ($13.1 million), productivity loss ($12.5 million), non-obstetric health expenditures ($9.4 million), and child behavioral or developmental disorders ($6.1 million).

    浏览量:113  |  

    Our comprehensive digital solutions help health care providers, payors, life sciences firms, and medical device manufacturers garner deeper insights, set and guide strategy, and improve operations.

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