
    National Quantum Initiative (United States)
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    18个新项目是国家科学基金会战略的一部分,以实现国家科学和技术委员会报告中要求的科学和技术进步,实现量子传感器和国家量子倡议法案。 NSF主任Sethuraman Panchanathan说:“几十年来,在量子尺度上的科学探索已经产生了关于我们的宇宙如何运作的令人惊讶的发现,以及量子技术的诱人可能性。”。“我们正在通过这些项目和其他项目在量子研究方面迈出下一步,这些项目将基础研究与潜在的应用结合起来,可以积极影响我们的生活、我们的经济繁荣和我们作为一个国家的竞争力。”

    National Quantum Initiative (United States)
    2023-08-24  | 智库资源动态快报,2023(8)
    浏览量:164  |  

    美国国家科学基金会今天宣布为涉及 47 个机构的 22 个项目提供 3800 万美元的新资金,以促进量子信息科学与工程 (QISE) 领域可持续研究和教育工作的发展,从而提高参与度、能力建设、加强参与和能力建设,以达到研究和教育的临界质量。 包括去年的第一届和当前的竞赛在内,ExpandQISE 计划目前共资助 33 个项目,预算达 6240 万美元。资金包括向历史悠久的黑人学院和大学颁发的 8 个奖项、向 EPSCOR 管辖范围内的机构颁发的 8 个奖项、向西班牙裔服务机构颁发的 6 个奖项以及向非 R1 机构颁发的 28 个奖项。所有奖项都与量子研究相关,涉及量子基础、量子计量与控制或协同设计和量子系统的至少一个主题焦点领域。每个奖项都包括教育和劳动力发展方面。能力建设工作的基础是创建当地的研究和教育基础设施,通过每个奖项的牵头机构与代表现有、已建立的、已建立的外部合作者的密切合作来实现。

    National Quantum Initiative (United States)
    2023-08-15  | 智库资源动态快报,2023(8)
    浏览量:86  |  
    实现量子传感器 [智库报告]

    Quantum sensors and measurement devices provide accuracy, stability, and new capabilities that offer advantages for commercial, government, and scientific applications. Examples such as atomic clocks for Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation, and nuclear spin control for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are widely used already, with transformative impacts for society. In the near future, Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) can enable a new generation of similarly transformative sensors. Furthermore,this process can be accelerated if concerted efforts are prioritized as a part of the National Quantum Initiative (NQI).

    National Quantum Initiative (United States)
    浏览量:143  |  

    Quantum networks (QNs) transmit quantum information between quantum devices and allow distribution of quantum entanglement, a physical resource known to be useful for quantum information processing. QNs in the form of internets or intranets enable larger quantum computations by connecting quantum computers together. Entangled sensor networks may enable precision metrology beyond what is possible with the best individual quantum sensors. Quantum properties can also be utilized to secure communication in novel ways. These promises of new science and technology motivate active research into creating and understanding QNs and their constituent components.

    National Quantum Initiative (United States)
    浏览量:161  |  
    量子前沿 [智库报告]

    Under the Trump Administration, the United States has made American leadership in quantum information science (QIS) a critical priority for ensuring our Nation’s long-term economic prosperity and national security. Harnessing the novel properties of quantum physics has the potential to yield transformative new technologies, such as quantum computers, quantum sensors, and quantum networks. The United States has taken significant action to strengthen Federal investments in QIS research and development (R&D) and prepare a quantum-ready workforce. In 2018, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released the National Strategic Overview for Quantum Information Science, the U.S. national strategy for leadership in QIS. Following the strategy, President Trump signed the bipartisan National Quantum Initiative Act into law, which bolstered R&D spending and established the National Quantum Coordination Office (NQCO) to increase the coordination of quantum policy and investments across the Federal Government.

    National Quantum Initiative (United States)
    浏览量:154  |  

    National Quantum Initiative (United States)
    浏览量:148  |  

    Quantum information science (QIS) applies the best understanding of the sub-atomic world—quantum theory—to generate new knowledge and technologies. Through developments in QIS, the United States can improve its industrial base, create jobs, and provide economic and national security benefits. Prior examples of QIS-related technologies include semiconductor microelectronics, photonics, the global positioning system (GPS), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These underpin significant parts of the national economic and defense infrastructure. Future scientific and technological discoveries from QIS may be even more impactful. Long-running U.S. Government investments in QIS and more recent industry involvement have transformed this scientific field into a nascent pillar of the American research and development enterprise. The Trump administration is committed to maintaining and expanding American leadership in QIS to enable future long-term benefits from, and protection of, the science and technology created through this research. Based on the collective input of all the Government agencies invested or interested in QIS, this document presents a national strategic approach to achieving this goal.

    National Quantum Initiative (United States)
    浏览量:169  |  
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